If you’re active on social media, chances are you’ve seen a pop quiz from CREA show up in your news feed. Don’t worry, we aren’t grading your answers; however, we are trying to raise awareness about the importance of using the REALTOR® and MLS® trademarks properly.
Protecting the REALTOR® and MLS® trademarks is an important priority for CREA. We must avoid having these trademarks become generic terms stripped of their meaning and significance. We recognize some members aren’t aware of the importance of these terms and that’s why we began this engagement campaign targeted at CREA members and real estate professionals.
The quiz will show up on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn. You’ll see posts with questions like “Why is it important to properly use the REALTOR® trademark?” and “Why should you be concerned about the misuse of the MLS® trademark?” Some posts have an explainer video and others link to a short online quiz.
People will be able to interact with the posts and get more information on the right and wrong ways to use each trademark.
Remember, you have a responsibility in ensuring these trademarks, which indicate there are strict professional standards to adhere to, are protected and used properly.
To learn more about CREA’s trademarks, please watch the videos below.