A Message from the Chair

As I reflect on 2023, we’ve embraced opportunities, navigated through challenges, and achieved many milestones together.

When I became Chair of the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) back in April, my goal was to be engaged as much as possible. We have a talented Board of Directors representing much of the country and, together, we took part in more than 75 speaking engagements with the REALTOR® association community. In addition, ahead of our Special General Meeting in October, CREA hosted more than 50 presentations with boards and associations on the future of REALTOR.ca.

I’m incredibly grateful to you and the entire REALTOR® association community. Your resilience, dedication, and unwavering commitment have been the driving force behind our collective success.

In the coming year, let us remain committed to our values and support, encourage, and inspire one another. I believe these principles will help us to lead and shape the future of our industry.

As ‘The Great One’, Wayne Gretzky said perfectly, “A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be.”

Thanks to each of you and a special thank you to my wife, Sheree, for your support this year.

May 2024 bring new successes, joy, good health, and fulfillment to you and your families.

Happy holiday season and a prosperous New Year!

Larry Cerqua

Chair, CREA Board of Directors