How CREA’s National Ad Campaign Helps Reshape Perceptions of REALTORS®

The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) is committed to championing the value of REALTORS® and its national ad campaign continues to play a major role in showing Canadians the expertise, dedication, and connection a REALTOR® brings to their clients.

This year’s campaign, “Together, we’ll make home happen,” which was relaunched in the fall following the success of its spring release, demonstrated from search to sale, a REALTOR®  understands their client’s unique needs, and will help them find the perfect place to call home.

Building on the success of our 2022 campaign “Welcome Home,” ad recall doubled with
Together, we’ll make home happen.” The 30-second “Larger than Life” advertisement surpassed media benchmarks for complete video views. In addition, after seeing the ads, trust and positive perception of REALTORS® increased by 23% and 17% respectively, while the likelihood of recommending a REALTOR® increased by 21%.

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The campaign targeted first-time home buyers across Canada using a robust media strategy.
During the spring campaign consumers saw our ads through multiple touchpoints including social media, streaming platforms, transit stations, their favourite influencers’ profiles, and top sites like The Globe and Mail and Narcity.

This fall, CREA’s media strategy shifted to the campaign’s highest impact media channels, including an expansion of social and “out of home” ads, and the continued feature of the 30-second advertisement, “Larger than Life,” online and on streaming channels.

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We look forward to building on the success of the “Together, we’ll make home happen” campaign in 2024. If you have any thoughts or comments about our national ad campaign, contact us