Bring Your Passion for Real Estate to the Table as a CREA Committee Member

We are now accepting applications from REALTOR® members interested in serving on CREA’s 2020-2021 committees. These committees help guide our national association’s work and ensure our REALTOR® members’ viewpoints and expertise remain at the heart of our decision-making.

If you have some downtime over the holidays and are interested in making an impact on the real estate industry in the new year, be sure to click here to complete our application form and tell us how you’d be a great fit for your committee(s) of choice! The deadline for submissions is February 1, 2020.

For more information on CREA’s current committees, the committee appointment process, committee members’ responsibilities, and the benefits of serving the REALTOR® community in this capacity, please check out this helpful blog post by CREA President-Elect Costa Poulopoulos.