CREA Launches New Competition Law Course

To help REALTORS® and brokers remain compliant with the Competition Act, the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) has launched the Competition Law for REALTORS® course.

Launched earlier this month, the Competition Law for REALTORS® course provides an industry-specific overview of the Act, and what it means for REALTORS® and brokers. After completing this course, participants will be able to identify and avoid anti-competitive conduct that can result in severe consequences for REALTORS® and brokerages.

CREA Trademarks Course

CREA has also updated its free trademarks course for REALTORS®. After completing this course, you will be able to recognize CREA’s trademarks, understand the rules and proper use of CREA’s trademarks, and know who to contact to answer your trademark-related questions.

All courses are available on demand in English and French. For a complete list of CREA’s available courses, webinars and modules, visit